“Han sufrido muchos abusos y maltratos allí donde básicamente la negligencia médica ha sido grande y trabajan por un salario de esclavitud”, dijo José Rubén Hernández, vocero de Interfaith Movement.
Por Andrés Brender y TELEMUNDO 48
“Han sufrido muchos abusos y maltratos allí donde básicamente la negligencia médica ha sido grande y trabajan por un salario de esclavitud”, dijo José Rubén Hernández, vocero de Interfaith Movement.
Por Andrés Brender y TELEMUNDO 48
…[Hilda] Cruz serves at the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity as regional program director for the Inland Empire, collaborating with organizations like the Dignity Not Detention Coalition in the creation of events such as the “2024 Pilgrimage To End Detention,” taking place on September 25th to 29th, a visit to California’s six remaining detention centers starting in Bakersfield and finishing in San Diego…
Read the full article here.
A coalition has successfully secured $5 million to help local governments facilitate a fair and “just” transition away from immigrant detention in California. The Dignity Not Detention (DND) network – formed by organizations like the ACLU, Freedom for Immigrants, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity and the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice (ICIJ) – put together a budget proposal as part of the coalition’s Healthy Economies Adapting to Last (HEAL) campaign…