Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, the Baháʼí faith and many others share a central commitment to the sacredness of every person.
Welcome the refugee.
Treat the stranger as your own.
Compassion knows no borders.
Love has no walls.
For more than twenty years, the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity has been joining hands with people of faith to act on these core beliefs. We defend the humanity of the immigrant and fight for the rights of the incarcerated. Working at the intersection of spirituality and social movements, we mobilize congregations to take a stand on issues of social justice like immigration and mass incarceration… [read more]
- Sanctuary Resources* For Spanish Translation: Click Spanish button in top right corner of page above the search icon* What Does Sanctuary Look Like Today? Sanctuary is a sacred tradition rooted in love, protection, and justice. Across history, sanctuary has meant: Today, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity is part of the National Sanctuary Movement, which organizes Sanctuary Congregations… Read more: Sanctuary Resources
- 2025 Immigrant ArrestsEspañol Abajo* Dear Immigrant and Faith Communities: We are sending you this pastoral and prophetic statement in light of the recent enforcement actions taken by ICE and Border Patrol which have detained dozens and possibly 200 immigrant neighbors and family members this week in Kern County, with threats of more in Fresno and Sacramento counties.… Read more: 2025 Immigrant Arrests
- Prayer for those suffering in the LA FiresEspañol Abajo* Dear beloved community, To our friends suffering the LA fires, we are praying for your safety and healing It is written in the Quran “Verily, with hardship comes relief.” It has been distressing to hear from so many friends about the loss of housing, the toxic air and trauma of evacuating with everything… Read more: Prayer for those suffering in the LA Fires
- Celebrating the Heart of Our Faith Rooted Work: Staff 2024 Highlights
- IM4HI 2024 End of Year Newsletter
❤️ Last Week We Packed the Court for Jose Ruben! ❤️
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support our beloved community leader and spiritual activist, Jose Ruben, at his court hearing last week. Your presence and solidarity meant the world to him, and together we showed the power of community standing up for what’s right.
🕊️ We gathered to uplift Jose Ruben’s case, hoping for his right to stay and continue contributing to our community. While the journey is ongoing, this collective action sends a powerful message: We are with him every step of the way. 🙏
💚 For those who couldn’t be there in person, your thoughts, prayers, and support were felt in the room. We know we are not alone in this fight.
#JusticeForJoseRuben #ImmigrantRights #KeepJoseHome #SolidarityInAction #CommunityPower
❤️ ¡La semana pasada llenamos la corte para José Rubén! ❤️
Un enorme GRACIAS a todos los que vinieron a apoyar a nuestro querido líder comunitario y activista espiritual, José Rubén, en su audiencia de corte la semana pasada. Su presencia y solidaridad significaron el mundo para él, y juntos mostramos el poder de la comunidad defendiendo lo que es correcto.
🕊️ Nos reunimos para elevar el caso de José Rubén, esperando su derecho a quedarse y continuar contribuyendo a nuestra comunidad. Mientras el viaje está en marcha, esta acción colectiva envía un mensaje poderoso: estamos con él en cada paso del camino. 🙏
💚 Para aquellos que no pudieron estar allí en persona, sus pensamientos, oraciones y apoyo se sintieron en la sala. Sabemos que no estamos solos en esta lucha.
#JusticeForJoseRuben #ImmigrantRights #KeepJoseHome #SolidarityInAction #CommunityPower #AllPeopleAreSacred … See MoreSee Less
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🕊️ Join us to Reaffirm Sanctuary 🕯️
🌸 On February 13th, from 11am-1:30 pm PST in San Francisco, we invite you to join us for an Interfaith Sanctuary Press Conference, Procession, and Vigil. Together, we’ll reaffirm sanctuary as a part of our sacred traditions and call for protection and love for immigrant communities.
11:00 AM: Interfaith Sanctuary Press Conference
Location: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (1111 O’Farrell St., SF)
11:45 AM: Procession through Japantown
12:15 PM: Interfaith Vigil commemorating the 83rd Day of Remembrance
Location: Christ United Presbyterian Church (1700 Sutter St., SF)
As we mark the 83rd Anniversary of Pres. Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, which led to the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans, we gather in solemn remembrance. Together, let’s honor the families and their descendants, acknowledging their healing journey and the losses endured.
#DayOfRemembrance #ReaffirmingSanctuary
🕊️ Únase a nosotros para Reafirmar el Santuario 🕯️
🌸 El 13 de febrero, de 11:00 a.m. a 1:30 p.m. PST en San Francisco, lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros para una Conferencia de Prensa Interreligiosa sobre el Santuario, una Procesión y una Vigilia. Juntos reafirmaremos el santuario como parte de nuestras tradiciones sagradas y haremos un llamado por la protección y el amor hacia las comunidades inmigrantes.
11:00 a.m.: Conferencia de Prensa Interreligiosa sobre el Santuario Ubicación: Iglesia Luterana St. Mark’s (1111 O’Farrell St., SF)
11:45 a.m.: Procesión por Japantown
12:15 p.m.: Vigilia Interreligiosa en conmemoración del 83.º Día de Recuerdo Ubicación: Iglesia Presbiteriana Christ United (1700 Sutter St., SF)
Al conmemorar el 83.º aniversario de la Orden Ejecutiva 9066 del presidente Roosevelt, que condujo al encarcelamiento masivo de los estadounidenses de origen japonés, nos reunimos en solemne recuerdo. Juntos honramos a las familias y sus descendientes, reconociendo su proceso de sanación y las pérdidas sufridas.
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🚨 We’re Back! 🚨
Join us as we relaunch our IG Live series! 🎉 Our Love Over Fear conversations continue with our beloved host Amina Lei, introducing our new series: REAFFIRMING SANCTUARY—diving into what it means to love and protect our communities. 💜🏡
📅 Thursday, Feb 6
⏰ 11 AM PST
📍 @im4humanintegrity on IG Live
We’re kicking things off with our Executive Director, reflecting on the journey since launching the Love Over Fear campaign in Oakland last year. Don’t miss this powerful conversation! 🔥💬
#LoveOverFear #ReaffirmSanctuary #CommunityCare #IGLive … See MoreSee Less
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