Join us as we continue to engage in constructive conversations on building beloved community through uplifting the dignity of vulnerable and marginalized persons. We transform our community by re-imagining a more just, equitable, and inclusive community without bars, barriers, and walls to prevent social and upward mobility.
Together we will discuss and coordinate strategic actions around local and statewide issues. We gather to create space for compassion and solidarity with those impacted by the pandemics of COVID-19 and racial injustice.
- Centering and the Cry for Justice
- Defunding Law enforcement and Reinvesting in the Repair and Rebuilding of Communities of Color
- Demands for Clemency, Commutations, and Coordinated Release of Incarcerated Community Due to Covid-19.
- Stop Transfers and Sign-on Letter Campaign
- Updates from Racial Justice and Faith Partners
Rev. Dr. Larry Foy
Los Angeles Regional Organizer
Justice Not Jails Coordinator

- JNJ Program History
- Reform LA Jails coalition
- CURB Prison Spending coalition