Northern California

Faith Rooted Organizing for Immigrant Justice:

In Northern California we engage people of diverse faiths in the movement for immigrant justice in the following initiatives and strategies.  Please Join us!


Slider ImageNueva Esperanza is a collaborative led by the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity to support the transition needs of newly arrived migrant youth and families. The collaborative has brought together organizations, congregations and trained volunteers to be “Accompaniment Teams” or “familias de apoyo” who are matched with new migrant  families or individuals walk with alongside and provide support attending legal and court appointments, accessing health and dental care, legal support, securing housing, food donations, job leads, education and providing a network of care.

Nueva Esperanza seeks to create and expand the transitional housing stock available for newly arrived migrants.

Nueva Esperanza also recruits and assigns volunteers who can provide one-day courtroom accompaniment in immigration court.

  • Post-Release Accompaniment Project (PRAP) helps immigrants detained at West County Detention Facility by ICE in Richmond get safely home or to loved ones upon release. We recruit volunteers from faith communities who can provide rides, clothing, food, and short-term shelter.

Leadership Development & Education

  • We coordinate and support several networks of local faith communities engaged in immigrant justice.  The East Bay Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Multifaith Immigration Coalition for Action in Contra Costa County, San Francisco Interfaith Coalition on Immigration, and Peninsula Interfaith Coalition on Immigration.  These networks plan events, actions and collective work.

Join the listserve and find out about the next meetings:

  • East Bay Coalition
  • Multifaith Immigration Coalition for Action in Contra Costa County,
  • San Francisco Interfaith Coalition on Immigration,
  •  Peninsula Interfaith Coalition on Immigration
  • Latino Leadership Trainings
  • We are also available to provide Presentation, Preaching and Educational Workshops on Immigration

Policy Advocacy: Working in coalition with others, we organize an effective and powerful faith voice on policies to bring about the fair treatment of immigrants locally and in our state, to end immigration detentions and deportation, address the root causes of immigration, protection of refugees and migrants.  Here are some of the policies we have worked on:

  • CA Trust Act
  • Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Stopping jail expansion of West Co. Detention Facility
  • Phone justice for inmates and detainees at West Co. Detention Facility
  • Separation of ICE from local law enforcement
  • Protecting Sanctuary City Policies
  • Funding and support to address newly arrived unaccompanied minors and families
  • Sanctuary Movement to Stop Deportations

icir picture

Public Witness:  We seek to Positively impact the public perception and policies towards immigrants shape public discourse to center immigration on values of human dignity.

Join our Monthly Immigration Vigil.

Sign up to be on our mailing list and to be notified of other public actions and vigils.

Get involved locally


The Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity is part of the National Sanctuary Movement  that provides support and solidarity with immigrants, refugees, Muslims and others who could be threatened under the next administration.

What does Sanctuary Look Like Today?

A public, corporate commitment to walk alongside immigrants, mixed-status families, refugees and other targeted communities to uphold the dignity, due process and full acceptance and participation of all people in our society through protection, support and advocacy. Congregations can write their own statement of sanctuary to reflect what they specifically will do.

Here are 4 ways Congregations are demonstrating their commitment to Sanctuary:


  • Advocate at the Local, State and National level for policies that protect the due process of immigrants and promote their full dignity and integration into our local communities.
  • Advocating for policies which help to prevent mass deportation and fear by creating clear separation between ICE and local law enforcement and civic institutions, for example strong sanctuary city and county policies.
  • Engage in local public actions and activities to shift public discourse towards immigrants, Muslims, and refugees, and bring attention to our responsibility to address root causes.

Accompaniment of Immigrant Families or Youth:
Individuals and congregations can immediately help accompany immigrants in urgent situations and need of accompaniment. This can include newly arrived migrant families, unaccompanied minors, people facing deportation crisis, those just released from detention centers. Trained volunteers can help to provide courtroom accompaniment, access to services, and concrete and emotional support and/or transitional housing to help those in a period of crisis.

Networks of Protection & Rapid Response:

  • Join a Rapid Response Network to respond to ICE workplace raids, home raids or other enforcement activity.
  • Connect with targeted communities to help develop relationship and networks of protection.

Housing Hospitality:

  • There are various kinds of needs for housing hospitality:
    1. short term respite housing for someone released from detention;
    2. housing for a newly arrived immigrant family seeking asylum;
    3. protective housing for someone with a final order of deportation;
    4. hosts needed in order for the government to release individuals from immigration detention.. – Depending on the case, housing hospitality could be in the private home of a member, or on congregational property, etc.

For more information contact Sarah Lee:

Sanctuary Page & Map of Sanctuary Congregations
National Sanctuary Resources & Legal Toolkit
ACLU Sanctuary FAQ
Sign or adapt the national sanctuary pledge

Que significa ser Santuario hoy?

Un compromiso público y colectivo de caminar al lado con inmigrantes: familias con estatus mixtas, refugiados, y otras comunidades perseguidos. Un compromiso de salvaguardar la dignidad, el debido proceso de ley, aceptación y participación total de todos por igual en nuestra sociedad por medio de la protección, apoyo, y abogar. Congregaciones pueden escribir su propia declaración de santuario para explicar específicamente en lo que se comprometen.

Aqui son 4 formas de ser santuario que congregations se están comprometiendo:


  • Abogar al nivel local, estatal y nacional por pólizas que protegen el debido proceso de ley de inmigrantes y promueven su dignidad e integración total en nuestras comunidades.
  • Abogar por pólizas que ayudan en prevenir deportaciones masivas y terror en la comunidades cuando hay una separación entre los oficiales de inmigración (.I.C.E), la policía local, y instituciones civiles. Esto formará un santuario estable en la ciudad y el condado.
  • Involucrarse en demostraciones públicas e eventos que cambian la narrativa hacia los inmigrantes, musulmanes, y refugiados. Atraer atención a nuestra responsabilidad de preocuparnos de las causas fundamentales por la crisis de inmigración.

Acompañamiento de familias y jóvenes:
Individuales y congregaciones pueden ayudar de inmediato en acompañar a inmigrantes en situaciones urgentes que necesitan apoyo adicional. Esto incluye familias recién llegados, menores de edad que emigran solos, personas con órdenes de deportación, acompañamiento a citas de corte, y persona que salen de centros de detención. Voluntarios son entrenados para ayudar con estos servicios y proveen apoyo emocional. También algunos pueden ofrecer hospitalidad en sus hogares por una temporada corta para los que sufren en un crisis de vivienda.

Red de Protección y Respuesta Rápida:

  • Involucrarse en una de respuesta rápida para responder a redadas en sitios de trabajos, hogares o otro tipo de actividad de oficiales de inmigraciones (I.C.E.)
  • Conectarse con comunidades perseguidas y formar una relación y red de protección.

Santuario físico en casos de alguien que tiene una orden de deportación final:

  • Discenir si su congregación estará dispuesta en ofrecer santuario para una persona que tiene una orden final de deportación. La mayoría de veces son personas que han establecido sus vidas en los Estados Unidos y tienen una familia para proveer. En ofrecerles santuario, su congregación les dará un santuario físico en una propiedad religiosa que los protege de ser arrestados por oficiales de inmigración. Su congregación será apoyada por otras congregaciones y organizaciones de comunidad que se han comprometido. Ser santuario en la red local en ofrecerles hospitalidad, protección, y abogar. Proporcione alojamiento de hospitalidad en su hogar o congregación a un inmigrante recién llegado o persona que busca asilo para que puedan ponerse de pie y buscar el debido proceso.
  • Hospitalidad de vivienda: Hay diferentes tipos de necesidades para la hospitalidad de vivienda:
    1. Vivienda de descanso a corto plazo para alguien liberado de la detención;
    2. vivienda para una familia de inmigrantes recién llegados que buscan asilo;
    3. vivienda protectora para alguien con una orden final de deportación;
    4. anfitriones necesarios para cuando el gobierno libere a las personas de detención de inmigración.

Para más información contactar:

Página del Santuario y Mapa de Congregaciones del Santuario
Recursos del Santuario Nacional y Recursos Legales
ACLU Sanctuario FAQ
Firmar o adaptar la promesa del santuario nacional

Sanctuary Trailer from Theo Rigby.

SANCTUARY: A short history from Theo Rigby.

Other resources:

Nor Cal Handout Ways you Can Help

Contact us to get more involved:    Tel: (415) 534-5620

National Sanctuary website and toolkit:

Print the Sanctuary Today handout:

Sign the National Sanctuary Pledge:

Sanctuary Congregations Statement Denouncing DOJ Lawsuit:

Accompaniment Teams Brochure:

Nor Cal Handout Ways you Can Help:

Sanctuary Film:

San Francisco Sanctuary Movement: a Short History – video

Sanctuary Movement as a Response to Recent Raids – video

We are working specifically in the Bay Area, Inland Valleys, and Claremont Area to support the growing Sanctuary Coalition.

Area Church
Alameda Buena Vista United Methodist Church
Berkeley First Congregational Church of Berkeley
Shomeret Shalom Global Congregation
St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Berkeley
University Lutheran Chapel, Berkeley
Claremont Area Claremont United Church of Christ Congregational
Claremont United Methodist Church
Contra Costa County Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church
Hayward Eden United Church of Christ
First Presbyterian Church of Hayward
Napa Napa United Methodist Church
Marin First Congregational Church, San Rafael
Oakland Kehilla Community Synagogue, Piedmont
Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
Oakland Catholic Worker
Oakland City Church
Plymouth United Church of Christ
Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana Hispana
St. Columba Catholic Church
Temple Sinai, Oakland
Peninsula Congregational Church of San Mateo
El Buen Pastor, Redwood City
First Congregational Church of Palo Alto
Sisters of Mercy, Burlingame
Unitarian Universalists Fellowship of Redwood City
Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo
San Francisco Calvary Presbyterian Church
First Unitarian Universalist Church
Santa Maria y Santa Martha Lutheran Church
St. Agnes Church
St. Ignatius Catholic Church
St. John of God Catholic Church
St. John’s Presbyterian Church
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal
Other Episcopal Diocese of California
San Jose Presbytery
Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church