Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, the Baháʼí faith and many others share a central commitment to the sacredness of every person.

Welcome the refugee.
Treat the stranger as your own.
Compassion knows no borders.
Love has no walls.

For more than twenty years, the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity has been joining hands with people of faith to act on these core beliefs. We defend the humanity of the immigrant and fight for the rights of the incarcerated. Working at the intersection of spirituality and social movements, we mobilize congregations to take a stand on issues of social justice like immigration and mass incarceration… [read more]


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Yes on Prop 6

Video courtesy on Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
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This morning, we came together at the State Capitol and in Southern California to kick-off the fight for proposition 6, where we stood united with All of Us or None, CURYJ (Communities United for Restorative Justice, Reverend Jeremy McCants from Oakland (a guest on our Unveiling Love in Oakland podcast ) and many more in the battle against modern slavery in California.

Saying "yes" to Proposition 6 would reform the incarceration system, improve conditions for those affected by incarceration, advocate for better treatment of individuals in ICE detention, and help remove outdated provisions that allow slavery as punishment from the California Constitution.

We encourage everyone to share this message with your communities and continue to fight for justice against involuntary servitude!


Esta mañana, nos reunimos en el Capitolio Estatal y en el sur de California para iniciar la lucha por la Proposición 6, donde nos unimos con All of Us or None, CURYJ (Comunidades Unidas para la Justicia Restaurativa), el Reverend Jeremy McCants de Oakland (un invitado en nuestro podcast Unveiling Love en Oakland) y muchos más en la batalla contra la esclavitud moderna en California.

Decir "sí" a la Proposición 6 reformará el sistema de encarcelamiento, mejorará las condiciones para quienes se ven afectados por la encarcelación, abogará por un mejor trato para las personas en detención de ICE y ayudará a eliminar las disposiciones obsoletas que permiten la esclavitud como castigo en la Constitución de California.

¡Animamos a todos a compartir este mensaje con sus comunidades y a continuar la lucha por la justicia contra la servidumbre involuntaria!

All of Us or None HQ
Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice

#yesonprop6 #endslavery #AllPeopleAreSacred
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