Interfaith Prayer Vigils

Interfaith Vigil on September 25, 2020: A Lament for Adelanto

FBLive @IM4Humanintegrity

It has been confirmed that there are now 38 confirmed positive cases and 42 pending results in Adelanto Detention Facility. GEO has had months to prepare and prevent such an outbreak from occurring. We pray for each one inside.

The Jewish High Holidays inspire us to reflect and take stock. Join us as we commit ourselves to reflection and acts of justice, as we engage in deep change, both within ourselves and our community.

Through this prayer service, we lament and highlight the inhumane treatment of detained immigrants inside Adelanto Detention Facility.

Not only are immigrants separated from their families but are also at risk of contracting COVID-19 while in detention. People are being sprayed with HDQ neutral, a highly toxic chemical, because the facility continues to use it as a disinfectant. The chemical is causing people breathing problems, skin irritation, and will have lasting negative impact on their health.

This prayer service will have a call to action to encourage collective accountability and support campaigns that will lead to teshuva (acts of restorative justice).

Co-led by:
Rabbi Suzanne Singer, Temple Beth El in Riverside, CA
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, IM4HI Board Chair
Rev. Jeffrey Kealoha Ryan, Center for Spiritual Living in Riverside, CA
Cantor Jennifer Bern-Vogel, Congregation Emanu El in Redlands CA