
Stations of Deportations

The Stations of the Cross is a Christian tradition from the 15th Century that was started by the Franciscans as a way to portray Jesus’ journey to the cross for people who couldn’t go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. We have adapted this ancient tradition to help us, in a prayerful way, understand the suffering of The Migrant as he or she is being deported. The Stations of the Cross is traditionally done during Holy Week. We share this resource with you to be freely used for your congregation and communities.

Station 1: The Migrant is Apprehended

There are many ways The Migrant can be apprehended. S/he can be caught crossing the border, or somewhere along the merciless desert in the southern United States. ICE can knock on the door of their home at 6 am, or be waiting for them in their driveway. ICE can come to his or her job. S/he can get handed over to ICE through the program “Secure Communities” from some local law enforcement, even if charges are later dismissed. The migrant feels confusion, fear and anxiety. Why is this happening? What will happen to my kids? What will happen to my job if I don’t show up to work tomorrow? Will they know I’m being taken? The Migrant is now in the jaws of ICE.

Dear God of Mercy, we pray for all those migrants being apprehended by ICE today. We pray for your peace in the midst of their fear and anxiety. We pray for their loved ones as they too feel confusion and worry. We pray for your Spirit to bring healing to their souls. Amen.

Station 2: The Migrant is Detained

After being apprehended, The Migrant is detained in a prison. They take away his or her clothes, cell phone and other belongings. S/he wonders, what detention center am I in? What state? How will my family find me? The Migrant experiences the poor conditions of imprisonment: locked in a cell for all but a few short “free time” breaks; terrible food, sometimes with bugs in it, the yelling and harsh treatment. S/he feels lonely and ashamed. S/he feels abandoned by his or her friends and family. Sometimes there is abuse from other prisoners, or from the guards. If a complaint is filed, retribution follows swiftly.

Dear God of Peace, we pray for all those migrants who are entering detention at this moment. We pray for your peace to cover their confusion and fear. We pray for your mercy and grace to cover their shame. We pray that they may know who they are in you: human beings created by you, in your image, with all your dignity and glory. Amen.

Station 3: The Migrant is awaiting Bond Hearing

After being apprehended and charged with the apparent “crime” of being a migrant, The Migrant finds themselves waiting and waiting. Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months. Just when The Migrant gets used to a place, they are moved miles away to yet another facility. Communication with loved ones is by letter if at all. Phone calls are too costly and infrequent. Even rarer are visits through glass walls, for 30 minutes after a long and costly drive for the family, now impoverished by the Migrant’s languishing in prison. Several times, ICE agents have come to ask questions about his or her friends and family, demanding The Migrant sign a paper of voluntary departure. S/he cannot read it and is not sure what to do. The Migrant most likely does not have an attorney, as 86% of Immigrant detainees go without representation.

Dear God of Hope, we pray for all those migrants in detention. We pray that you give them company in times of loneliness, your Love in times of discrimination, and your hope in times of hopelessness. We pray you bring your justice and listen to the cries of your people who are being treated unjustly in these centers of detention. Amen.

Station 4: The Migrant Goes to his or her Bond Hearing

The Migrant is rudely awakened at 4 am. The Migrant is shackled in three different places: the wrists, the waist and the ankles. The Migrant, with dozens of other migrants, is then put on a bus with darkened and grated windows. The bus ride goes on for five hours.

It has been more than six months, and finally the Migrant is getting to see a judge to see if s/he could be released on bond. If s/he is granted bond, the family will need to come up with $5-10-15,000 for the Migrant to be released. If released on bond, the Migrant will likely wear an ankle bracelet that chafes the skin and requires a long period of time to recharge the battery. But even that would be better than detention.

The judge denies the Migrant bond, stating that the Migrant is a flight risk, unlikely to show up at a future hearing, and most certainly a danger to society. The migrant is dejected and heartbroken of having been denied the right to sunlight, family members, to liberty while waiting further trial. The Migrant travels back on the bus to his/her cell at the detention center, not arriving until midnight.

Dear God of love, we pray for all those migrants in detention who are denied the right to bond, despite what the law says. We pray for those who feel frustration, impotence and despair. We pray that you give them hope in times of hopelessness, a sense of solidarity in times of loneliness, and the strength not to give up despite repeated denials. Amen.

Station 5: The Migrant Goes to Trial

Months, maybe years later, the Migrant is awakened at 4 AM: Again the Migrant is shackled in three different places: the wrists, the waist and the ankles and put on a long bus ride. It’s time for the immigration trial. The Migrant is nervous and worried about how they will represent themselves and what to say. The process is confusing. The Migrant feels helpless to the questions that are asked. The Migrant pleads their case in front of Immigration Judge Anthony S. Murray, one of the toughest in the nation.

Judge Murray denies the asylum case, as he does 86.7% of the time and is ordered deported.

Dear God of justice, we pray for all migrants standing trial today. We pray your hope and mercy over them in the midst of all their fears and trials. We pray for all judges dealing with their cases, that they may be able to see Your dignity in them and the Migrant’s true value. Amen.

Station 6: The Migrant is Deported

The Migrant is deported. He or she arrives to The Migrant’s place of birth, to a land changed since they last stepped foot in it. The Migrant has no money and only the clothes on his or her back. The Migrant feels deep grief and despair at being separated from his or her family and loved ones. The Migrant didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye. At arrival, he or she sees news camera as they report “the new plane carrying deportees from the U.S.” The Migrant lowers his or her head in shame at the cold welcome.

Dear God of compassion, we pray for all migrants who are being deported at this moment, and for the two million migrants who have been deported under the Obama administration. We pray for healing of their shame. We pray for guidance as they decide their next step in the journey. We pray for all families who are left behind. Amen.


Bay Area Groups Reject White House Token Action

March 19, 2014

For Immediate Release

Bay Area Immigrant Rights Organizations Reject White House Token Action:  

Call on Obama to Halt All Deportations and End Detention Quotas

On March 13, the Obama Administration called a closed door meeting with immigrant rights advocates to describe what it called a review of current deportation policies so that enforcement can be done “more humanely within the confines of the law.”

The latest move is a response to overwhelming demand to halt deportations from immigrant rights advocates and key Democratic Party leaders, including Janet Murguia, Executive Director of National Council of La Raza, who recently labeled President Obama the “Deporter in Chief.”

The coalition, SF Bay for Immigrant Justice, made up of 24 organizations listed below, is skeptical of this latest White House initiative until a concrete plan is in place to halt all deportations. To date, the administration’s announced immigration “initiatives” have fallen far short, and failed to ease the tragic separation of families that devastate communities on a daily basis.

President Obama has presided over nearly 2,000,000 deportations, at a rate far greater than his predecessor George Bush—and immigrants continue to be detained, deported, and separated from their families at record pace.

Enough is enough.  As organizations that see the devastation of deportations in our community, we cannot be silent, nor participate in programs that merely make cosmetic changes.

We demand concrete, systemic, and immediate actions such as: extending DACA to all immigrants;  issuing an executive order to halt all deportations; ending “Secure Communities” and other police/ICE collaboration programs;  ending workplace enforcement programs such as “E-Verify” and I-9 Audits;  supporting the “Bring Them Home” Campaign;  and granting humanitarian parole to deported parents who have been separated from their children.

The tide is turning.  We call on our friends and allies across the country to keep the pressure on. Now is the time to heighten calls for President Obama to halt all deportations.

For information on upcoming actions and events please contact:

4/4 – National Day of Action to Stop Deportations – San Francisco (hosted nationwide by NDLON): Donaji Lona, POWER,  ph. 415-864-8372 ext 301

4/3-4/4 – Women’s Fast For Families – San Francisco (hosted by We Belong Together): Claudia Reyes, Mujeres Unidas y Activas,

4/5 – Vigil to End Deportations part of National Day of Action – Richmond, West County Detention Center: Rev. Deborah Lee CLUE,,  510-893-7106 ext 319

5/1 – May 1st Regional March: Ariana Gil Nafarrate, Mujeres Unidas y Activas//Oakland Sin Fronteras,

Bay Area Coalition for Immigrant Justice and its member organizations signing on to this statement:

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus

ACUDIR – Alameda County United in Defense of Immigrant Rights

African Advocacy Network

AROC – Arab Resource & Organizing Center


CARECEN of Northern California

Causa Justa Just Cause

Chinese for Affirmative Action

Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice –CA

Dolores Street Community Services

East Bay Interfaith Immigration Coalition

Good Samaritan Family Resource Center

Jobs with Justice

La Raza Community Resource Center

Local 87

Mujeres Unidas y Activas

Our Family Coalition

Pangea Legal Services

POWER – People Organized to Win Employment Rights

SF Day Labor Program & Women’s Collective

San Francisco Interfaith Coalition on Immigration

San Francisco Organizing Project –Peninsula Interfaith in Action

San Francisco Labor Council

Transgender Law Center

Young Workers United



January WCDF Monthly Prayer Vigil led by Jewish Youth for Social Action

This past Saturday we had our monthly vigil at West County Detention Facility in Richmond, CA. It was led by the Jewish Youth for Community Action, an innovative leadership training empowering Jewish youth for social action, and Kehilla Community Synagogue.


It was a beautiful, prayerful and moving time where we heard testimonies, chanted and even shared poetry.  Watch video of one of the chants.


Norma Smith, from Kehilla Community Synagogue, shared her poem “This God Justice” during the vigil, of which we would like to share an excerpt:

“This god, Justice

Is an atheist.

It’s not what it

Sounds like: she’s not

A non-believer, oh, no,

He isn’t…


“My name

Is Jeremiah. I want you

To do good. I will

Argue you

Into it, I will

Persuade you, warn you,

threaten you,

love you more

than your understanding

can understand. I will

believe in you. I will walk around

with you. Even

when you want

to stop your ears, attack

and imprison me”


Watch another video where a youth shares a story.

We hope you can join us next month, February 1st, where InnerCHANGE, a missionary order among the poor, will lead the vigil. You won’t want to miss out!