Interfaith Prayer Vigils

June 14, San Francisco: Prayer Vigil – Compassion Has No Walls

Join us Friday June 14th for our monthly Prayer Vigil-Compassion Has No Walls, held outside the ICE building in downtown San Francisco. We gather every month on the second Friday, at ICE Headquarters to give voice to the suffering and abuses that so many working immigrant families are being subjected to.

This month the vigil will be led by Mount Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, in collaboration with UU Fellowship of Redwood City and UU San Mateo. They will lead us in a ceremony to remember and to uplift the human dignity of so many families that are being separated. Join us as we demand an end to the targeting and incarceration, the deportations, the de-humanizing language and the hate. Come out and let us join our voices together as we elevate the California values of inclusion, welcoming, compassion, and freedom from incarceration.


June 9, Palo Alto: Walk With Me

********* Español abajo! **********

Join us to strengthen our network of solidarity in support of immigrant communities on the Peninsula!

** Hear from recently arrived Asylum-seekers and those threatened by deportation on the power of accompaniment

** See a premiere of a Short-Film on Accompaniment (10 minutes!)

** Learn from local congregations about their experience in:
~ Housing hospitality
~ Sponsoring out of detention
~ Border work
~ Courtroom accompaniment

Translation and refreshments will be provided.

¡Únase a nosotros para fortalecer nuestra red de solidaridad
en apoyo a comunidades inmigrantes en la Península!

** Escuche a los solicitantes de asilo recientemente llegados y aquellos con amenaza de deportación, sobre el poder del acompañamiento

** Vea un estreno de un cortometraje en acompañamiento (¡10 minutos!)

** Aprenda de las congregaciones locales sobre su experiencia en:
~Hospitalidad de vivienda
~Patrocinio para salir de detención
~Acompañamiento a los tribunales

Se proveerá traducción y refrigerios.



June 6, Los Angeles: Our Voices Advance: Criminal Justice and Immigration Reform

Missed our June First Thursday? View the recording, to see our meeting on bills in Sacramento and Recommendations for Probation Department

Justice Not Jails
First Thursday Community Meeting

Our Voices Advance
Criminal Justice and Immigration Reform

Thursday June 6
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Lincoln Memorial Congregational Church
4126 Arlington Ave
Los Angeles CA 90008

Light dinner will be served

Please RSVP to Larry Foy:
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  • Spiritually grounding music : Rev. Al Reevers of Lincoln Memorial Church
  • Theological Reflection on the “Power of the Ballot”: Rev. Larry Foy, Justice Not Jails Coordinator
  • Testimonials: Emma Solis & Sammi Bee
  • Updates: Los Angeles County Sheriff and Probation Departments
  • Presentation: Key California 2019 Immigration Reform Reentry Bills, given by Rev. Deborah Lee, Executive Director of Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity.
  • Presentation: 2019 Statewide Priority Reentry Bills, given by Manuel Galindo, A New Way of Life Reentry Project