
2024 NEAT interns

Our NEAT Accompaniment program welcomes all volunteers and interns. Please reach out to Kelly Younger, Accompaniment Manager: to intern with us!

Meet some NEAT interns and lead volunteers:

Gabby and Tila

Notre Dame high school , Belmont, CA 

Both students updated our video training from 3 hrs down to 1 hr.  Good job! 


School name : University of San Francisco

Degree name: MA in Migration Studies, Class of 2024

Bio:  I recently graduated from the USF’s Masters in Migration Studies program. Prior to embarking on this program, I was an immigration officer for my country, Zimbabwe’s migration agency, the Department of Immigration Control. In my employment with the Department, I had the opportunity to work at different ports of entry including the Beitbridge Border Post, the busiest land border in Sub-Saharan Africa which exposed me to the diversity of migration phenomena and issues. 

As a migration practitioner, I am driven by the desire for safe and humane migration, as well as inclusive immigration policies. While migration is often conceptualized as a problem, research has shown that it is not a zero-sum game but there are mutual benefits to be derived by both the migrants and their host countries, as well as their countries of origin. I am excited at the opportunity to intern with the InterFaith Movement for Human Integrity as I expect to bring on board experiences from my previous employment and the Masters in Migration Studies program while establishing inroads into the US migration field in general and specifically into work that supports migrants.


School name: University of San Francisco 

Degree Name: MA in International Studies

Class of 2025 

Bio  I am pursuing an MA in International/Globalization Studies with a Concentration in Governance and Global Justice at the University of San Francisco. I hold a BA in International Studies with a minor in Legal Studies, and I also graduated with a BA in Sociology from the African Methodist Episcopal University in Liberia. With a strong academic record, I have complimented my studies with diverse and impactful work experiences. These include roles at Collective Impact, the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center, and the African American Redress Network. My commitment to global justice is further demonstrated through my leadership in USF student organizations and mentorship programs. My blend of academic excellence, practical experience, and leadership in community initiatives exerts my dedication to fostering governance and global justice.

Melody Carbajal

School name: University of San Francisco 

Degree name: MA in Migration Studies, Class of 2025 

 My name is Melody Carbajal. I’m a graduate student at the University of San Francisco (USF), specializing in Migration Studies. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Political Studies. As a first-generation Peruvian American from the San Fernando Valley, CA, migration is a deeply personal subject for me, inspired by my parents’ journey from Peru.

I have interned with the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), where I assisted with clients’ asylum cases. I am excited about this internship opportunity and look forward to using my Spanish skills to communicate with our guests this summer, ensuring they feel welcome and supported. Currently, I work at the Southern California Minority Supplier Development Council (SCMSDC), a non-profit organization where we certify, connect, and develop minority businesses. I am passionate about connecting with people and look forward to bringing this dedication to my work during this internship.

Miriam Reyes-Pina 

School: Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico and USF 

Major/year:  M.A. Migration Studies 

Miriam is an experienced communications specialist with a rich background in various fields. After a significant break from academia, Miriam returned to school to pursue a master’s degree on Migration Studies. This academic journey was fueled by her personal experience as a migrant, which sparked a deep interest in the lives and challenges faced by migrant communities. Miriam focused her studies and research on indigenous migrant cultures in the Bay Area.

Miriam’s professional journey includes eight years as an interpreter and translator for the Berkeley, Contra Costa, and Oakland school districts. This role allowed her to directly support and communicate with diverse migrant populations further deepening her commitment to this cause. Her dedication and passion for helping others eventually led her to become a Spanish teacher at Fremont High School, in Fruitvale east of Oakland.

As part of her master’s program, Miriam completed an internship interviewing Haitian and Nicaraguan families to help reunite them with their loved ones in the Bay Area through the I-134a initiative. This hands-on experience provided invaluable insights into the personal and systemic challenges faced by migrant families, further informing her advocacy work.

Through her work and studies, Miriam continues to advocate for migrant communities drawing from her own experiences and extensive professional background to make a meaningful impact.


School: USF

Studies: MA in Migration Studies

Class of 2025

Bio: Hello! I’m Gabriela, but you can call me Gabi. I am a 4th year student at USF studying Politics, Latin American Studies, and Public Service & Community Engagement. I am extremely passionate about immigration and have a family immigrant background (my family is from Brazil!). I speak fluent Portuguese and am proficient in Spanish. I have interned for an immigration organization based in San Diego, CA (Al Otro Lado). And interned this summer in El Paso, TX where I was responsible for managing two migrant shelters (Annunciation House). These two experiences were incredibly powerful in my life and taught me so much about the immigrant reality in the US. I am excited to see how I can support you all and excited about all that I can learn from IM4HI. Looking forward to speaking with you all soon! 

Faith Williams

School: USF

Studies: MA in Migration Studies 

Faith Williams is a second-year master’s student in the University of San Francisco’s international migration studies program. She was raised in a small town in East Texas by parents who instilled values of both justice and religion in her, and she has found a lot of meaning in imagining ways that faith can power the world toward healing and joy. She studied sociology as an undergraduate student at Brigham Young University and spent a year doing accompaniment work in Argentina that truly taught her to value relationship-based responses to individual needs. Since then, opportunities to participate in direct aid initiatives at the border, work as a grassroots activist with Friends Committee for National Legislation (FCNL), learn from community organizers, and volunteer in a variety of capacities have affirmed that. As far as her future work is concerned, she hopes to be able to engage with the US political process as a researcher, advocate, and voter to build a more just world, especially for displaced persons. She loves being outside and believes that nature holds wisdom and guidance that we desperately need and can access when we act in harmony with Her abundance. Some hobbies include running, rock climbing, hiking, reading, exploring, and laughing

Marianas Fernandez

School: UCSC undergrad year 2 

As a Nueva Esperanza Accompaniment Team intern for IM4HI, Marianas Fernandez works on case management for asylum seekers by connecting them to local community resources in the education, health, transportation, and legal fields. She 

A Bay Area native, Marianas Fernandez grew up amongst people of different backgrounds and speaking different languages. Her name, ‘Marianas,’ derives from the group of islands of which Guam is a part. She has strong CHamoru and Filipino roots. As a minority woman, she strongly advocates for equity, diversity, and sharing of cultures. 

She currently attends the University of California at Santa Cruz, pursuing a double major in Legal Studies and Sociology, with a concentration in Global Information and Social Enterprise Studies. The people she has met at IM4HI have further pushed her toward pursuing a law profession, where she is thinking about becoming an immigration lawyer or public defender. 

Marianas enjoys playing soccer, hanging out with her 6 little siblings, reading, and journaling when she is not working or studying. 


Welcoming our Neighbors – Housing Migrant Families Together!

Are you interested in offering temporary respite housing to migrant families?

Do you want to be part of the housing solution for migrants in San Francisco? Calling all individuals, landlords, and congregations in San Francisco to join is our alternative to the shelter system for by offering and respite housing solutions to newcomers in the Bay Area.  With IM4HI’s support, YOU can make a direct difference in a migrant family’s life by offering temporary respite housing for 1-3 months in your home, in-law unit, apartment building, or congregation.

Why be a Housing Host?

Housing is the number one challenge for immigrants in San Francisco, especially for those who have recently arrived.  Shelter systems are full and hotel vouchers are unavailable.  When looking for a rental, asylum seekers are asked for credit history, security deposits, IDs, and other market requirements that they simply do not have until a few months after getting settled in the U.S.  

I’m in!! How do I become a Housing Host?

With your support, we can get families we know off the street. Please join us at our upcoming SF Migrant Housing Forum on March 21 at 6:00pm to learn new and creative ways YOU can be part of the solution!

In this forum we will: 

  • Learn about specific barriers to housing that migrants face in San Francisco 
  • Gain insights into the City of San Francisco’s plans to prepare for potential mass migrant bus arrivals  
  • Hear how to support housing of asylum seeking families who are arriving to San Francisco every day
  •  Develop a network of individuals, landlords, and congregations who are willing to provide respite and temporary housing to migrants in San Francisco

IM4HI has seven years experience offering temporary respite housing in San Francisco.  Together with volunteers, we have hosted newcomer families in individuals’ homes, in-law units, RV’s, apartment buildings, and congregational spaces.  We know what works.  

Read our success stories below or read our Hosted Housing FAQ to learn more! 

Individual Hosted Housing: Meet Katerin, Alejandro, and Lucia

The Lopez family enjoying a meal with their housing host, Feb. 2024

Katerin, Alejandro, and their 10-month old, Lucia, arrived in the Bay Area from Honduras in December, 2023.  They found a warm welcome from Susan and Jim, a couple in Berkeley who had eagerly prepared a spare bedroom to receive asylum seekers.  As new parents, they have found stability and independence thanks to the assistance provided by their hosts and their accompaniment team from Berkeley Covenant Church.  The guests and their hosts have quickly become part of a tight-knit family, bonding over shared experiences and mutual support. 

The team has since been helpful in getting cell phones and affordable cell phone plans, signing up for English classes, and finding resources such as diapers and WIC for Lucia.

The hosts and their guests have become like a family supporting one another; Katerin and Alejandro enjoy taking care of the chickens in the yard and Susan and Jim really care for Lucia.  For Jim and Susan, it has been a delight to share a home with this young family as they embrace their new life in California. Particular highlights have included celebrating Lucia’s first birthday, watching her learn to walk, and seeing her begin to explore the world with bright curiosity.  Susan and Jim enjoy their guests’ company and also that they are very independent.  They go to the grocery store and adult school for English classes on their own, and manage childcare by switching off who is in class and who stays home to take care of the baby.

Part of their family’s independence comes from the adversities they have overcome.  When stuck at the border for an entire year, Alejandro started a shelter for migrants together with another NEAT client, Douglas Oveido.  His dream is to one-day have his own construction company in California.  Despite all the adversity their family encountered, their daughter Lucia is his driving force to keep going. With their housing hosts’ generous support, they are one step closer to thriving.

Hosted by SF landlord: Meet Rodnoel

Rodnoel, upon graduating from Nueva Esperanza, painted a rock with his Venezuelan flag and the golden gate bridge as a keepsake memory of his time in hosted housing in San Francisco.

Over the past two years, one generous landlord in San Francisco offered respite temporary housing to 14 asylum seekers in San Francisco.  Here are some of the success stories from his efforts: 

We are proud to share the success story of Rodnoel, an asylum seeker from Venezuela.

Rodnoel: Dec 2021 – Venezuela

Accompanied by Congregation Sherith Israel and St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church

Noel came to the US by foot through the Darien Gap from Venezuela to escape political persecution.  In Venezuela, he had been a practicing attorney.  IM4HI and his accompaniment team flew him to SF to join our program from a shelter in San Antonio, Texas.  Noel first stayed for 3 months with two gay housing hosts in SF who generously offered him the spare room in their apartment.  They enjoyed practicing English together, leaving vocabulary sticky notes throughout the house of common household objects like “toaster” and “bread.”  Soon after, a San Francisco landlord attending Calvary Presbyterian church in SF offered him a 6-month stay in a reduced rate studio apartment.  This was an essential next housing option for Rodnoel as he needed to find a place during the holidays, which is nearly impossible.  

His team mobilized to find furniture and move him in so that he’d have a place to call home by Christmas.  He has since moved to San Rafael where he is enjoying full time work and close to a Venezuelan friend who he met on his journey here. To top it all off, he met the love of his life and is now engaged!  We look forward to his wedding and many years of happiness for them both.  Noel is now fluent in English and enjoys practicing his language skills when he gets together with his IM4HI volunteers.  

Read more on the St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church justice ministry website.

Hosted by a Congregation: Meet Carlos

Carlos is a 30 year old asylum seeker from Comayagua, Honduras. He worked as a farmer and was persecuted for his land rights activist before coming to the US. IM4HI came into contact with him through a stellar substitute teacher in Oakland who sponsors people out of detention in his free time. Carlos began his stay in the Bay Area at Kehilla Synagogue’s congregational housing space.  

Carlos before moving to the Bay Area

He stayed at Kehilla for one month while Kehilla members surrounded him with welcome: regular walks around Lake Merritt and homemade meal delivery. During his stay there, Carlos made strong connections with Oakland Catholic Worker nearby and volunteers regularly there to welcome other migrants. Carlos stayed next in a six month hosted housing by a friendly San Francisco landlord. He now has moved to his own place in the East Bay and is hoping to multiply the hospitality he received from Kehilla by hosting newcomers in the future. 

If Kehilla can do it, you and your congregation can do it!   All it takes is some space and simple furnishings.  IM4HI can guide you every step of the way as we have successfully partnered with over 6 congregations throughout the Bay Area in their process of hosting asylum seekers.    See a virtual tour of Kehilia’s space where they hosted Carlos here: 

NEAT Stories

Meet Rodnoel

Rodnoel, upon graduating from Nueva Esperanza, painted a rock with his Venezuelan flag and the golden gate bridge as a keepsake memory of his time at Waller St.

We are proud to share the success story of Rodnoel, an asylum seeker from Venezuela.

Rodnoel: Dec 2021 – Venezuela

Accompanied by Congregation Sherith Israel and St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church

Noel came to the US by foot through the Darien Gap from Venezuela to escape political persecution.  In Venezuela, he had been a practicing attorney.  IM4HI and his accompaniment team flew him to SF to join our program from a shelter in San Antonio, Texas.  Noel first stayed for 3 months with two gay housing hosts in SF who generously offered him the spare room in their apartment.  They enjoyed practicing English together, leaving vocabulary sticky notes throughout the house of common household objects like “toaster” and “bread.”  Soon after, a San Francisco landlord attending Calvary Presbyterian church in SF offered him a 6-month stay in a reduced rate studio apartment.  This was an essential next housing option for Rodnoel as he needed to find a place during the holidays, which is nearly impossible.  

His team mobilized to find furniture and move him in so that he’d have a place to call home by Christmas.  He has since moved to San Rafael where he is enjoying full time work and close to a Venezuelan friend who he met on his journey here. To top it all off, he met the love of his life and is now engaged!  We look forward to his wedding and many years of happiness for them both.  Noel is now fluent in English and enjoys practicing his language skills when he gets together with his IM4HI volunteers.  

Read more on the St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church justice ministry website.