
Thanks to BAJI for Leading November’s Vigil!

Thanks to the Black Alliance for Just Immigration for hosting the November vigil at West County Detention Facility!

It was a beautiful time where we learned the realities of black immigrants and why their voices matter so much. We learned that for many black immigrants coming from Africa, being undocumented is a social stigma that makes them difficult to get out of the shadows.

The cry of “undocumented and unafraid” of the recent immigrant rights movement doesn’t really appeal to them, and the application to the African immigrant community is extremely limited.

We also heard of the importance of African Americans and Latino to come together on the issue of immigration, and how our unity is of the utmost importance for the movement.

One issue that unites us is the mass incarceration of our communities of color, and how it not only affects African Americans, but also Latino immigrants.



Weekly Vigils in San Francisco Still Going Strong!

Every Thursday morning, from 7:50 to 9:30 AM we have gathered in front of the court building, at 100 Montgomery, to pray and be a prophetic presence for the migrant children and families.

We are starting to see the fruits of these vigils as families come in anxiously to their immigration courts, and many find consolation by our prayerful presence. Just this morning, a sobbing mother joined us in prayer after coming out of her court with her children, finding consolation and strength in this difficult and anxious moment.

Come and join us every Thursday morning!