Two weeks ago we had the opportunity to participate in an amazing convening, action and transformative session in Oakland which was in collaboration with CultureStrike, a national pro-migrant arts organization, Move the Immigrant Vote, a statewide immigrant and refugee rights alliance organize and the Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Until We are All Free is a cultural initiative made by artist, culture workers and organizers to help fight against deportation and racism.
Artist from many areas came together to create art images a world free of bars and borders. Groups gathered together to interact with each other and listen to new ideas regarding creating new narratives for Black and Brown folks.
The goals of this dynamic two day session were:
- Experience and share the Declaration of Unity through a create action that illustrates our vision for a world where all people are visible, valued and free.
- Begin the conversation about the connections between mass incarcerations, deportation and detention and as well as immigrant and refugee rights and racial justice.
This workshop educated activist and organizations on ways to incorporate art into the movement, and provided framework to promote mutual understanding between and develop bonds between African American and Immigrant communities. After spending a day connecting with each other and creating art we traveled to the Glenn Dyer Detention Facility, Oakland, to take a stand for Black Lives, mass incarceration, detention and deportations.
We sang, we prayed, we chanted and we let everyone being held in the detention center know that they were loved.
The purpose of this event was to launch the ALL FREE movement and to allow folks space to design, imagine and create art that fulfills a world free of bars and borders. All of the art that was created was used in the action at the Glenn Dyer Detention Facility. It is the goal of the group that this art would inspire folks to take a step forward towards a world of universal dignity and self-determination.