Immigrant Day 2016 was a beautiful success. We would like to thank all of those who traveled near and far to participate. As an organization we were represented by over 35 faith leaders from various parts of California, had 21 legislative visits and possibly turned one or two votes.

Below are a few of the bills that were discussed during our legislative visits.
AB 2792 TRUTH ACT The Truth Act will bring the truth about ICE’s practices to light and allow communities to craft policies for local needs.
SB 10 Expand Healthcare to All Undocumented Californians.
SB 1289 Stop the creation and renewal of certain for-profit immigration detention facilities and codify the currently unenforceable national immigration detention standards.
SB 443 Asset Forfeiture Reform Bill will require that a defendant be convicted of an underlying crime before cash or property can be permanently forfeited under state law, and it will prevent CA law enforcement from receiving a share of federally forfeited assets unless there has been a conviction.

Hilda Cruz, Im4HumanIntegrity’s Campaign Coordinator shared this message after her visits Monday,
“May we all remember that our elected officials represent us and our values. Therefore the need to visit with them and share not just our concerns but also the many ways in which we contribute to our communities. This year we were happy to notice that the crowd was diversified. Possibly due to a legacy left by the youth during the courageous campaign we now know as the “Dreamers” campaign. Many of these youth while not having the proper documents to be considered included fully in our society, found the strength to be unafraid to share their stories. The every day struggle with a higher education structure that left them out. A labor structure that would not hire them or if they did was paying them under the table wages that were less than the minimum wage. Many of these young voices were heard in the State of California where it enacted legislation to receive in-state tuition. Years later, we would see the immigration policy from Washington DC called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). This policy would allows certain immigrants who entered the country before their 16th birthday and before June 2007 to receive a renewable two-year work permit and exemption from deportation. These policies and are the legacy of youth who were unafraid to visit with legislators and then go back to their local communities and encourage others to do the same. This year many parents of these youth were in Sacramento also seeking to influence in policies that will strengthen their families and their communities and we are most hopeful that they will also see the fruits of their labors.”

The Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity is committed to working with our legislators to advance policies that support fairness and full inclusion of all of our State’s residents. Our faith traditions teach us that the lives of all people are sacred and we are called to treat them as neighbors, family and friends.