A Fundraiser for the 2016 People of Faith Pilgrimage to Honduras!
Fifteen of us will be traveling to Honduras honor the land, people an migrants of Honduras, to meet with partners in the popular movements seeking to defend land and water to end the forced migration and displacement.
Join us for:
- A delicious dinner
- A video presentation on communities in Honduras we will be visiting.
- To learn more about Root Causes: violence, land grabs, environmental destruction and impunity.
- Meet the 2016 delegation.
- Bring your questions and Insights about Root Causes and Root Solutions to migration!
Suggested donation: $20 – $50; No one turned away for lack of funds. Wheelchair accessible.
All proceeds go toward scholarships for delegates; If you can’t make it, donations can be accepted at:
Join us!
2425 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704-2427