Registration and more info here.
IM4HI is co-sponsoring a 6-Week Faith-Rooted Organizing Training on the methodology that we use in our work. IM4HI director Rev. Deborah Lee will be co-teaching it with longtime activist and organizer, Rev. Sandhya Jha.
The Faith-Rooted Organizing course starts on Monday, February 21 at 5pm pacific, and each session is 90 minutes, for six weeks. HOWEVER, you can also do it at your own pace and watch the recordings. for people who prefer to engage the material on their own schedule, which also works.
You ARE the Person Your Community Needs
Harness the Power of your Faith, Culture, and Experience
YOU are the most powerful resource your community has. We know that people in faith communities can make a gigantic difference and usher in justice in small and big ways.
Join Faith-Rooted Organizing with Sandhya and Deb, who have been building campaigns with communities of faith for decades. In this course, you’ll select the issue that is most important to YOUR heart. You’ll discover how to effectively mobilize your faith community and create justice that lasts.