Dear Faith and Community Leaders and Members,
Please join us in urging Governor Newsom and CDCR Secretary Allison to protect all Californians, to comply with judicial orders and take immediate action to release the thousands of men and women under the CDCR’s control and who are susceptible and vulnerable to contracting COVID-19 due to the crowded and unsafe conditions of our state prisons and detention centers.
Today, we call upon Governor Newsom and Kathleen Allison, the incoming Secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, to choose the side of love, compassion and redemption. And we ask you to release those within our prisons who are most susceptible to COVID-19.
This is a letter initiated by members of the faith community. We invite faith leaders, people of faith, concerned family and community members to please add your name to this letter.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: Please share and forward to your colleagues!
This letter is co-sponsored by Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity and the Ella Baker Center.