Thursday, Dec 10: our town hall with community leaders to discuss the need for releases now!
The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in prisons is a human rights issue, but Gov. Newsom, CDCR Secretary and the AG are treating this as a political debate. Thousands of lives in jeopardy! We invite you to a town hall where community advocates will answer all your questions about the topic and how to put pressure on elected officials to take immediate action.
Lives depend on it!
Panelists – Leading our Community:
Geri Silva
Families United to End Life Without Parole
James King
State Campaigner, Ella Baker Center
Amity Foundation
The Amity Foundation serves individuals, families, and children affected by recidivism, crime, homelessness, and addiction.
Reverend Dr. Larry Foy
Faith Organizer, IM4HI
Moderated by:
Curtis Yarbarough
IM4HI Faith Ambassador